Category: blog

Website Delays and Such

Alright, well it took me longer than I imagined to deploy this new site. I set up my first website almost three years ago, and I have no idea what I was doing when I did that. I still have no idea what I am doing. But I got it working! Here is what I ended up doing: I tried to just put my new website on my server. Old website still displayed online. Read more...

Some Personal Background

I had this bit on my main page, but I think it might be better suited to a blog post. Where I want to go Where do I see myself going as an engineer? I want to break the perception that engineers are boring and poor at communicating. I see where this stereotype comes from, but I have also had the pleasure of being in engineering classes with and working with some of the most interesting people I have ever met. Read more...

Updates: building a new website

Blog Post #1 for the new website! I have NEVER been one to keep up with a blog, so please do not expect anything close to regular posts. 2020 and 2021 have brought a lot of changes, and with those changes comes an updated website for me! My previous website was written entirely by hand, with the only automation in the form of using Pandoc to convert markdown files into HTML. Read more...