Updates: building a new website

Blog Post #1 for the new website!

I have NEVER been one to keep up with a blog, so please do not expect anything close to regular posts.

2020 and 2021 have brought a lot of changes, and with those changes comes an updated website for me!

My previous website was written entirely by hand, with the only automation in the form of using Pandoc to convert markdown files into HTML. I did not know what a static site generator was back then, but I have since then learned.

If I had the same amount of free time that I had as a student, I would probably build this site using a more simple tool, but instead I decided to build this site using Hugo. We will see how this goes.

Now, you have to understand, I have very strong opinions about how the internet should be: simple and fast. My goal with this website is to have something simple, easy to navigate, lightweight, and non-frustrtating. I do not want bells. I do not want whistles. I want a simple website like we had when I was a kid.

Wish me luck!